提升你在健身房的表現 以下是您現在可以開始做的四件事情…

提升你在健身房的表現 以下是您現在可以開始做的四件事情使你每次走進健身房時都可以達到優秀而富有成效的鍛煉 – 想知道更多最新訓練及營養資訊 即刻 follow 我們 Instagram @thenutritionus – – Ways to Boost Your Gym Performance Be Well-Fed Hydrated And Rested Everything you’ve done since your last workout sets the tone for the next one. The foods you ate the rest you received the liquids you drankthey all impact how well you’ll recover and perform next time. Get these three things consistently right and you’ve positioned yourself for success in the gym. – Set Specific Goals Wandering into the gym without specific goals is not a preamble to a successful workout. How can you train hard if you don’t know why you’re training? Success requires more thought than just telling yourself to get to the gym and do some reps. – Next time before you head to the gym think about exactly what you want out of your workouts. You want to increase your body weight? Okay cool! How much do you want to weigh and by when? If you want your 16-inch arms to be 20s one day set a short-term goal of adding an inch in 12 weeks. – Slug Down A Pre-Workout A vast array of potent pre-workout products are available to not only increase energy levels but also enhance mental focus and muscle pumps. Most products are designed to give you sustained energy for 60-90 minutes. We recommend start sipping about 30 minutes before your first exercise. – Have A Rival/Training Partner It’s not always easy to stay motivated and give every workout 100 percent. We all know how easy it is to make excuses as to why we didn’t go as heavy as we should have or why we stopped the set when we had another couple reps left in us. – Finding a training partner gets you on your game a lot more often. Your pride and ego probably won’t let that other person show you up and make you look weak or lazy. If you know you can bench press 315 for 10 reps by pushing yourself you’re less likely to stop at 5-6 reps when your partner is watching you! – #Nutritionus話你知 #Nutritionus #營人家族 #營人資訊 #healthydiet #hkfitness #sportsnutrition #healthytips #healthyliving #diettips #hkig #fitnessislife #trendytuesday #tiptuesday #tuesdaytraining #飲食 #健康飲食 #健康飲食計劃 #訓練 #肌肉 #運動 #蛋白質

Source by ashantilineman


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