I ate healthy and worked out in both photos … so what's the difference!? -…

I ate healthy and worked out in both photos … so what's the difference!? – – The difference was not in how I worked out but in HOW "healthy" I ate. In the before picture I treated myself to unhealthy foods much too often. In my head I thought I was doing a 90% healthy 10% unhealthy approach but in reality I was doing a 60-70% healthy and 30-40% unhealthy. Especially on the weekends. If my husband opened a bag of chips I figured that as long as I didn't have the bag of chips on MY lap and I just grabbed a handful (or 4 handfuls) then the calories didn't really count … joke's on me haha! Once I did Arbonne's 30 days to healthy living and REALLY committed to the plan my digestions was better my water weight vanished bloating was gone and my energy levels were way UP! I was astonished how much my cravings disappeared and how I had no problem saying "no" to treats more often/completely. GUYS eating right and alkalizing your body will transform not only how you look but how you feel on the inside! Once you start feeling good unhealthy foods become less appealing. This is not a diet. This is a plan that teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle!!

Source by ashantilineman


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