Eat what YOU want!!!!!… what I always say!!! – I have this saying….”It a…

Eat what YOU want!!!!!… what I always say!!! – I have this saying….”It all comes out in the wash!!!” – Meaning….by the end of the week…if you kept your Nutrition portions in check…you will be moving in the right direction with your fitness goals!! – There is NO SPECIAL MAGIC FOOD….I promise you that! – Ok…Here’s the Magic…Be and stay in a Calorie Deficit to lose fat!! Plain and Simple! End of Story! – Be Consistent! And over time…you will lose fat! – This diet that diet…Blah blah blah!! Choose one!!! One that YOU like and can be Consistent with! – I liked eating balanced foods…a mixture of protein carbs and fats… – You might like something else…find what you like and stick to it for 30 60 and or 90 days..take pictures measurements and body weight and don’t check again at least for 30 days…then check again in another 30 days…yep you got it check your Progress about every 30 days or so! – Now there are other factors besides Nutrition! Like Strength training and cardio…and of course your reason WHY you want to get Fit! – I will talk about these in future posts! – Meanwhile…start eating sensible portions and start moving….forward! #sensibleportions #realfood #caloriedeficit

Source by ashantilineman


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