💥Are High protein diets are bad for your long-term health? 💥. . Protein ha…
Are High protein diets are bad for your long-term health?
. . Protein has become a bit of a buzzword and almost trendy these days. . This inevitably leads to a ton of broscience and supplement company BS
. . So my aim is to bring you some simple, straightforward, and honest advice. . First up we’re tackling the myth that high protein diets are bad for your long-term health. . If you believe what you read then your kidneys are slowly failing and your bones are becoming as brittle as a 90 year old Grandma. . But this myth is false. . Studies have shown no link between a high protein diet and either of these problems. . Your body is a fantastic machine. . Your kidneys can filter up to 180 litres of blood every day. . That’s all the blood in your body being filtered 20-25 times per day. . An extra bit of protein isn’t going to put such a strain on your kidneys that you have issues. . Obviously if you have a pre-existing medical condition, that’s a different story. . As for bone thinning, research has shown that as long as calcium intake is sustained at the right level, then there is no link to bone density issues. . Bottom line is high protein diets aren’t inherently dangerous and as a fit and healthy adult, you should have nothing to worry about. . Bookmark the post so you don’t lose it. Hit that heart if this post busted a myth for you or reaffirmed what you knew… . #flexibledieting #protein #diet #fitness #iwanttoloseweight #proteinshake #strength #buildingmuscle #nutritiontips #iifym #fitnessadvice #gettingbettereveryday #leanlifer #girlswholift #fitdad #myweightlossjourney #fitmum #leanlife #healthy #healthyeating #fatloss #fitmom #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fatlossjourney #myfitnessjourney #nutritionadvice
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