Read what Angelia M. has to say about her 90 day challenge on SKINNY FIBER, R…

Read what Angelia M. has to say about her 90 day challenge on SKINNY FIBER, “Someone asked me to share my own personal before and after and skinny fiber testimony. I always post others and forget to share mine. I personally still have a ways to go to reach my target goal and working on it daily. My body is being a little stubborn but I continue to press forward. I told my fiance that the skinny girl is gone (smile). I am working on the appropriate size for me at 41 (wink). I am realizing that it is important for me to be comfortable in my skin and not worry about others and their progress. I was such a skinny mini when I was younger and after hitting 39 and then 40 its seems that my metabolism slowed down. I also deal with Fibroids so it affects my weight more now and gets a little frustrating. I find myself stalking the scale and probably need to throw it out the window #TrueStoryWhat I love about Skinny Fiber is that it helps me to not feel hungry all the time and I dont feel any jitters or anything like that. It also is easy to take. To be honest, I dont like taking pills myself and usually forget. So, I take my first dose in the morning with about 12-16 ounces of water. When I take it first thing in the morning, It seems to help me not feel hungry all day. I then take another dose either for lunch or dinner it just depends on how I feel for the day. I also try to drink water throughout the day. I have added walking and also making changes to my diet, because I know I have to do my part to maximize my results. So skinny fiber, water, making healthier eating choices and being more active. I love the product and when I dont take it, I notice a difference in my cravings. My energy is up because dealing with Fibroids has really affected my energy levels. I am so thankful for Skinny Fiber. Diabetes and High Blood Pressure run in my family but my past numbers were perfect the last time I was at the doctor. YAY!! JOIN the challenge it works.” Start your 90-day challenge here:  ✍ Place your order here=> BeSkinny2.eatless…

Source by sparkintx70


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